Thursday, September 10, 2009

IRHM's Official Figure 1.1

I've been back in town for a couple of weeks and of course, the standard afflictions have been getting back to me: insomnia, overwhelming monotony, and the general sense that my character and personality are being sucked from me every minute. It's alright though! Us few Miamians who survive this and still manage to lead relatively meaningful lives tend to discover and create avenues for achieving "happiness", or as I like to call it; "choking it down."

On that topic, I figured that I would take this time to share with you a couple methods that I like to use for "choking it down," by using a few figures.

Figure 1.1: Gin and Tonic; This little whipper-upper is a fure shire way to take the edge off.

"Arthur's Gin n' Tonic:" 20 oz. tumbler. two parts gin, 1 part tonic, 1/2 lime, and the 4th season of  It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Alternatives to Arthur's Gin n' Tonic that are considerably more socially acceptable can easily be found at your local chain-restaurant-bar-and-grill, or, if you're willing to stick your neck out, a place not unlike Fox's Lounge.
I freakin' love this place for two particular reasons: Gin and tonic (please refer to fig.1.1) and their Rueben Sandwich. I love it so much I'm probably going to do an IRHM Official Review of it sometime soon.

Figure 1.2: I forgot what went here because Figure 1.1 (please refer to fig.1.1) worked so well.

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